Safe Ministry Training

NOTE: Training cannot be undertaken until your Safe Ministry screening application has been processed and approved. Once approved you will be given access to sign up to the relevant training.

Our Courses

Safe Ministry Check Training (3 online modules approx. 1 hour)

Safe Ministry Check, developed in partnership with Ansvar Risk Insurance, will deliver Safe Ministry training in the Diocese. This will consist of the Ensuring Safe Church Communities video (30 minutes) and three modules (20 minutes each) which consist of:

  •  Module 1. Awareness Course – A short course to help everybody know how to look-out and speak-up for vulnerable people.
  • Module 2. Leaders Course – Training for everyone who leads or cares for others in your church in how to behave, respond and safeguard vulnerable people.
  • Module 3. Supervisors Course –This course builds on the material you will have already covered in the Awareness and Leader courses going into more detail to cement what has already been discussed.
These modules have been developed to enable church workers to:
  • Identify situations of behaviours of concern that warrant report to the Department for Child Protection
  • Demonstrate awareness of relevant legislation including the responsibilities of individuals, mandated notifiers and organisations who provide a service to children and young people
  • Understand trauma-related behaviours and indicators
  • Consider appropriate ways to respond to disclosures of abuse
  • Explore some of the elements that contribute towards ensuring a notification to the Child Abuse Report line is effective.

In South Australia a wide range of people are required by law to notify the Department for Child Protection if they suspect on reasonable grounds that a child or young person is, or may be, at risk of harm. These people are referred to as ‘mandated notifiers’ and their responsibilities are defined in the Child and Young People (Safety) Act 2017. Ministers of religion and persons who are employees of, or who volunteer in, an organisation formed for religious or spiritual purposes are mandated according to the Act.


Ensuring Safe Church Communities (ESCC) Training (30 minute online video)

ESCC is an in-house 30 minute program delivered online via the Safe Ministry Check page that outlines the ways in which we can ensure our church communities create and provide safe environments in every way – socially, relationally, physically, spiritually and emotionally.

This program looks at issues such as what it means to be made in the image and likeness of God, and our role in creating and shaping culture. The program looks at different types of potential abuse across congregations and in the Diocese as well as taking a closer look at the Diocesan Code of Conduct- Faithfulness in Service, what it means and how it translates to our lives in service